Mangaluru, Karnataka
  • 1
    Shwetha N & Ateendra Jha, “Knowledge and awareness regarding safe drug disposal system among general population of India” Journal of Pharmacovigilance 2018, 6(2), ISSN- 2329-6887.
  • 2
    Ankit Santosh Parulkar and Ramakrishna Shabaraya “A Novel Approach for the use of arterolane maleate in treatment of malaria” World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Vol.7(5), ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 3
    Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Ankit Santosh Parulkar, Krishnananda Kamath and Sripathy D. “Design and development of liposomes containing artesunate for the treatment of P.Falciparum malaria”. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences Volume 7(6) PP-1569-1588, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 4
    Revansiddappa.B.C., Jose.N. “Synthesis and biologica activity studies of some novel arylazo pyrazole derivatives”. Der pharma chemica.2018;10(6):149-152.
  • 5
    Sitaram, Paramita Das, “Method development and validation for the determination of ramipril and metoprolol succinate in bulk and marketed formulation.” International Journal of Pharma and Chemical Research. 2018, 4 (2), 43-54. ISSN 2395-3411.IMPACT FACTOR: 0.9
  • 6
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, Paramita Das, N.Shukla Khushboo, “Method development and validation for the estimation of Ambroxol HCl in Pharmaceutical dosage form”, IJPSR, 2018, 9(6), 2550-2553, DOI:10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.9(6).2550-53. ISSN:2320-5148. Impact Factor:5.949
  • 7
    Karunakar Hegde, Fathima Jazeela M A, Vijetha Poojary K, Satish S “Anti-Cancer potentials of the plant Aquilaria malaccensis leaves”. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, July-September, 2018:5(3):135-140.
  • 8
    Karunakar Hegde, Fathima Jazeela M.A, Vijetha Poojary K, Satish S, “Anti-cancer potentials of the plant Aquilaria malaccensis leaves”. Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2018,5(3):135-140, DOI:10.18231/2393- 9087:2018.0029.
  • 9
    Bhavya, Viresh KC, A.R Shabaraya and Nishmitha “Microcrystals for solubility enhancement-eminent role in poorly soluble drugs”. Int.Journal of Pharma & Chemical research, 4(2) 2018, ISSN 2395-3411.
  • 10
    A.R. Shabaraya, Ankit S Parulkar, Krishnananda K Kamath, D. Shripathy “A Novel Approach of Artesunate Pellets for the Treatment of Malaria” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2018; 10(6): 442-446 ISSN: 0975-248X.
  • 11
    Ashoka Shenoy M, Arshad Mohamed, A R Shabaraya “Role of Ginger as Bioenhancer in the treatment of Diabetes”, The Pharmaceutical and Chemical Journal, 2018, 5(4):50-55.
  • 12
    M. Ashoka Shenoy, A.R.Shabaraya, Karunakar Hegde “Role of Bioenhancer in the Treatment of Asthma. I AJPS2018, 05 (06), 5852-5856.
  • 13
    Manodeep Chakraborty, Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed, Ananya Bhattacharjee, “Effect of quercetin on myocardial potency of curcumin against ischemia reperfusion induced myocardial toxicity”. Synergy 7 (2018), 25-29.
  • 14
    U Srinivasa, K Divakar and A.R.Shabaraya, “Phytochemical investigation of Adhatoda Beddomei Leaves Extract” International journal of research in Pharmacy and biosciences 2018. 5(5), PP 15-19. ISSN 2394-5885 (print) & ISSN 2394-5893 (online).
  • 15
    Ananya Bhattacharjee, Venkatrao H Kulkarni, Manodeep Chakraborty, Prasanna V Habbu, Preeti V Kulkarni & A.R.Shabaraya “Protective effect of ellagic acid against lead induced myocardial toxicity” International research journal of pharmacy 2018, 9(11), ISSN 2230 -8407.
  • 16
    Subrahmanyam EVS, Kumara Prasad S A, Shabaraya A R, “Validated spectroscopic Methods for the Determination of Fluoxetine HCl and Lamivudine in Bulk and Marketed Formulations” International Journal of Health Sciences and Pharmacy (IJHSP), ISSN: 2581-6411, Vol. 2, No. 2, December 2018.
  • 17
    Karunakar Hegde, Manisha Mascarenhas J A, Rohan Joseph D’Silva “Radio Protective activity of the plant aquilaria Malaccensis leaves” American Journal of Pharmtech research 2018;8(6), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 18
    Neethu TN, Shabaraya AR and Stany K T, “Influence of life style in management of migraine” International journal of advanced research (IJAR) Vol.7(4) 2019. ISSN: 2320-5407.
  • 19
    Karunakar Hegde, Avrin Romitha Lobo & Gopikrishna U V “Phytochemical Investigation of the leaves extract of the plant aquilaria malaccensis” Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry vol. 11(1): 2019 ISSN: 0975-2331, 0975-4385.
  • 20
    Smitha Shetty, Krishnananda Kamath K, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Fmith Celvia Miranda “Design and development of medicated Lollipop containing albendazole” American Journal of Pharmtech research 2019: vol 9(3), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 21
    Karunakar Hegde, Shree Durga P M, Praveenkumar C Sajjan “Evaluation of Immunomodulatory Potentials of The Leaves of Aquilaria malaccensis” Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics Vol. 11(01) 2019.
  • 22
    Subrahmanyam E.V.S., Kumara Prasad S.A, Shabaraya A.R, Srinivasa U “Validated New Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Rabeprazole and Domperidone in Bulk and Marketed Formulations” International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences Volume 6, Issue 2, 2019, PP 13-17 ISSN 2394-5885.
  • 23
    U. Srinivasa, K. Divakar, A.R. Shabaraya “Anticancer activity of Adhatoda beddomei leaves extract and its fractions on Cell lines” International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences Volume 6, Issue 2, 2019, PP 18-20 ISSN 2394-5885.
  • 24
    Shripathy Dharmasthala, A Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Gladson Simon Andrade, Ravi Gundadka Shriram, Srinivas Hebbar, Akhilesh Dubey “Fast Dissolving Oral Film of Piroxicam: Solubility Enhancement by forming an Inclusion Complex with cyclodextrin, Formulation and Evaluation” J Young Pharm, 2019;11(1):01-06.
  • 25
    Avrin Romitha Lobo, Satish S.”An investigation on anti-depressant activity of fresh fruit juice of Malus domestica in experimental animal models” International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology Volume 5, Issue 1, 2019 ISSN: 2454-132X.
  • 26
    Agnel Anna Raju, Shabaraya A R and Navaneetha A.S “Review on menstrual hygeine” International Journal of advanced research (IJAR) 7(4), 2019, 1571-1575 ISSN: 2320-5407.
  • 27
    Athira PV and Shabaraya A R “A Novel approach in patient care and non-pharmacological treatment for rheumatoid arthritis” International Journal of advanced research (IJAR) 7(4), 2019, ISSN: 2320-5407.
  • 28
    EVS Subrahmanyam, A Sravanthi and A.R. Shabaraya “Regioselective synthesis of 2-substituted benzothiazoloquinolates and their biological evaluation” International Journal of research in pharmacy and chemistry 9(1), 17-22, ISSN-2231-2781.
  • 29
    Subrahmanyam EVS, Sravanthi A and Shabaraya A.R. “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 2,5 disubstituted benzimidazolocoumarins” International Journal of research in pharmacy and Biosciences 6(3), 2019 12-16, ISSN-2394-5893.
  • 30
    Sravanthi A, Chetan S H, Subrahmanyam EVS, Shabaraya A R, Vinayak K “ Synthesis of 1,2 dissubstituted benzimidazoles using sodium acetate as catalyst” International research journal of pharmacy 10(3) 2019, ISSN 2230-8407.
  • 31
    Fmith Celvia Miranda, Krishnananda Kamath and A.R.Shabaraya “Floating microspheres: A Review” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 8(7), 379-403, ISSN 2278-4357.
  • 32
    Siva S, Hemanth Devulapally, Balasubrahmanya K.S “Pre-Service and in -Service Teaching methods in pharmaceutical teaching sciences ” International Journal of advanced research (IJAR) 7(4), 2019, 1571-1575 ISSN: 2320-5407.
  • 33
    Miranda F C, Kamath K K, Shabaraya A R, “Development of Gastro retentive floating microspheres of roxatidine Acetate Hcl by Emulsion solvent diffusion technique” online journal (IJDDT, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2019.
  • 34
    Miranda F C, Kamath K K, Shabaraya A R, “Development of Gastro Retentive Floating Microspheres of Roxatidine acetate Hcl by Emulsion solvent diffusion technique” online Dec.2019.
  • 35
    Ambili Narayanan, Ashok Shenoy, AR Shabaraya “A Review on Pharmacological Activities of Flemingia strobilifera” Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 60(1), January - February 2020; Article No. 13, Pages: 70-72 ISSN 0976 044X.
  • 36
    Nithinchandra, B. Kalluraya , S. Aamir, A.R. Shabaraya, “Regioselective reaction: Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological activity of some new Mannich and Schiff bases containing sydnone” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, XXX (2012) 1-8.
  • 37
    A.Shenoy, B.P.Varghese, M.S.Rajan, S.Koshy and M.Joshi “Anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic extract of abrus precatorius leaves”. Advance Research in Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals 2012; Vol.2(1), 53-61, ISSN: 2250-0774.
  • 38
    M Ashoka Shenoy, Ronak Panchal, Moses Samuel Rajan, and Y Randhir “Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Activity of Ananus sativus”, Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology, 2012, Vol. 1(3), 1-5.
  • 39
    V. K. Chandur, A.M.Badiger and K. R. S. Shambashiva Rao, “Characterizing Formulations Containing Derivatized Chitosan with Polymer Blending”. IJRPC 2011, 1(4), ISSN: 2231 2781.
  • 40
    Mohd. Azharuddin, Krishnananda Kamath, A.R.Shabaraya, Subash S.Pillai, Srinivas Hebbar, Narasimharaj Manja “ Formulation and Evaluation of Sublimed Mouth dissolving Tablets of Aceclofenac”, American Journal of Pharmtech Research.2012;2(4), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 41
    A. R.Shabaraya, K.Aiswarya and Mohd. Azharuddin, “Formulation and evaluation of Muchoadhesive Bi-layer Buccal Tablets of Labetalol Hydrochloride using natural polymers”, International journal of advances in pharmacy biology and chemistryVol.1(3), Jul-Sep,2012, ISSN:2277-4688.
  • 42
    Nithinchandra, B. Kalluraya, S. Aamir and A.R. Shabaraya, “Regioselective reaction: Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological activity of some new Mannich and Schiff bases containing sydnone” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, XXX (2012) 1-8.
  • 43
    V. K. Chandur, A.M.Badiger and K. R. S. Shambashiva Rao, “Characterizing Formulations Containing Derivatized Chitosan with Polymer Blending”. IJRPC 2011, 1(4), ISSN: 2231-2781.
  • 44
    Nithinchandra, B. Kalluraya, S. Aamir, A.R. Shabaraya, “Regioselective reaction: Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological activity of some new Mannich and Schiff bases containing sydnone” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, XXX (2012) 1-8.
  • 45
    Moses Samuel Rajan, Mni Joshi, Sunil Koshy, Bijoy Varghese and V.A.J. Huxley, “Evaluation of the Anti -Epileptic Activity of Hydro Alcoholic Extract of Artemisia Vulgaris Linn Leaves”. Journal of Basic and Applied Biology. 6(1)2012, 63-69. ISSN0973-8207. 46. A.Shenoy, B.P.Varghese, M.S.Rajan, S.Koshy, and M.Joshi “Anticonvulsant activity of ethanolic extract of abrus precatorius leaves”. Advance Research in Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals 2012; Vol.2(1), 53-61, ISSN: 2250-0774.
  • 46
    M Ashoka Shenoy, Ronak Panchal, Moses Samuel Rajan and Y Randhir “Evaluation of the Hepatoprotective Activity of Ananus sativus”, Inventi Rapid: Ethnopharmacology, 2012, Vol 1(3), 1-5.
  • 47
    V. K. Chandur, A.M.Badiger and K. R. S. Shambashiva Rao, “Characterizing Formulations Containing Derivatized Chitosan with Polymer Blending”. IJRPC 2011, 1(4), ISSN: 2231 2781.
  • 48
    Mohd. Azharuddin, Krishnananda Kamath, A.R.Shabaraya, Subash S.Pillai, Srinivas Hebbar,Narasimharaj Manja “ Formulation and Evaluation of Sublimed Mouth dissolving Tablets of Aceclofenac”, American Journal of Pharmtech Research.2012;2(4), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 49
    A. R.Shabaraya, K.Aiswarya and Mohd. Azharuddin, “Formulation and evaluation of Muchoadhesive Bi-layer Buccal Tablets of Labetalol Hydrochloride using natural polymers”, International journal of advances in pharmacy biology and chemistryVol.1(3), Jul-Sep,2012, ISSN:2277-4688.
  • 50
    Manjula D, Shabaraya AR, Srikanth P, Suma R, “Design and evaluation of the transdermal films containing ketoprofen for the treatment of arthritis”, Journal of drug delivery & Therapeutics; 2012(4), 117-121. ISSN: 2250-1177.
  • 51
    Sweta Patel, Krishnananda Kamath and Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “Evaluation of cleaning method Validation techniques of ciprofloxacin” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1 (3) Jul-Sep 2012, 769-778, ISSN: 2277- 5005.
  • 52
    Sweta Patel, Krishnananda Kamath and Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “Evaluation of Cleaning Method Validation Techniques of Pioglitazone” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1 (3) Jul-Sep 2012, 794-804, ISSN: 2277 – 5005.
  • 53
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, Sushant S. Pande, Rahul N. Dubey, Panneer Selvam and Syed Aamir, “Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel 2-amino Benzothiazole derivatives” Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(7),3830-3833, ISSN: 0974-6943.
  • 54
    Jnandev Kamath K, Krishnananda Kamath K., Mohamad Azaruddin, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam and A.R. Shabharaya, “Evaluation of Different Types of Risks in Pharmaceutical Supply-Chain” Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2012; 2(4) ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 55
    Mohd Azharuddin, Krishnananda Kamath and A.R. Shabaraya, “Design and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Carvedilol using Sublimation Technique” IJPSR, 2012; Vol. 3(10): 3788-3795. ISSN: 0975-8232.
  • 56
    VK. Chandur, AM. Badiger and KRS. Sambasiva Rao, “Characterizing derivatized bosch reduced chitosan for its anti-oxidant activity by DPPH method”. IJRPC 2012, Vol. 2(4), 901-906, ISSN: 2231-2781.
  • 57
    Shashank Nayak N, Shwehta S Kamath K, Srinivas Hebbar, Ramakrishna Shabaraya “Medicated Chewing Gum: A Boon to Oral Dosage forms”. Am. J. PharmTech Res. October 2012; 2 (6), 151-161, ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 58
    Johnson Misquith, Padmavathi P. Prabhu, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya “Extractive spectrophotometric methods for the determination of levamisole hydrochloride”. International journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol.4, No.3, pp 1215- 1220, July-Sept. 2012. ISSN:0974-4304.
  • 59
    Rawda Khalifa Ali, A. R. Shabaraya, Mohd Azharuddin, “Design and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Oral Films of Granisetron Hydrochloride” Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2012; 2(6), 591-609, ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 60
    Trupti Pednekar, Subash.S. Pillai1, A. R. Shabaraya, Mohd Azharuddin, “Design and Evaluation of Buccal Films of an Antihypertensive Drug” Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2012; 2(5), 711-722, ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 61
    Asif A. Karigar, Asif Nandagadi, Prasanna Sutar, Vijay Tikare, Syed Aamir, “Synthesis and Antitubercular Activity of Thiazolothiadiazole Derivatives of Amino Acids”, The Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 1 (5), pp. 1160-1166, 10 Dec. 2012. ISSN 2277-5439.
  • 62
    Kamat Akshay Ramesh, Shabaraya A.R, Azharuddin Mohd., “Pulsatile drug delivery systems using natural polymers release modifiers”, IRJP 2012, 3 (X), ISSN-2230-8407.
  • 63
    Shrikanth Ulloora, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Syed Aamir and Airody Vasudeva Adhikari, “New Imidzo[1,2a]pyridines carrying active pharmacophores: synthesis and anticonvulsant studies”, Bioorganic and medical chemistry letters 23(2013) 1502-1506.
  • 64
    Kumara Prasad SA, Syed Azhar Nizami, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Synthesis and Antimicrobial Study of some Novel Schiff bases of Substituted Gallic Acid”, Am. J. Pharm Tech Res. 2013:3(1), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 65
    Syed Azhar Nizami, Kumar Prasad. S.A, S.C.Marihal, M.Gurumurty, “Hetroaryl Cyclization and Biological Evaluation of Some Synthesized 9-(5-phenyl-1H-pyrazoline3-yl)-9H-carbazole”, Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Research. 2013, 4 (1), 14-19, ISSN: 2229-3787.
  • 66
    S. A. Kumara Prasad, Syed Azhar Nizami, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Antimicrobial evaluation of phenolic compounds isolated from eugenia jambolana stem bark”, IJPRD, 2013 Vol. 5(2) April – 2013, 029-036, ISSN: 0974-9446.
  • 67
    S. A. Kumara Prasad, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Synthesis and Antimicrobial study of some Novel-5-substituted, 1,3,4-Thiadiazol-2-amine derivatives”, IJDFR, 2013 Vol. 4(2) Mar-April – 2013, 64-76, ISSN: 2229-5054
  • 68
    Mohd Azharuddin, A.R. Shabaraya, Suresh Bhat H and N.G. Prasad Zilu “Preparation and in-vitro evaluation of antifungal nail lacquer” International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, July-August 2013; Vol. 2(4): ISSN: 2319-8141.
  • 69
    Mohd Azharuddin, A.R. Shabaraya, Suresh Bhat H, Krishnananda Kamath and Durgani Jayesh H, “Design and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of felodipine using natural superdisintegrants” International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Research and Review ; Vol. 1(2): ISSN: 2321-7049.
  • 70
    Shwetha S Kamath K, Shashank Nayak N, Srinivas Hebbar, A R Shabaraya, “Design and Evaluation of Fast dissolving Tablet of Caffeine by using natural superdisintegrant”. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Tech Vol. 2013, Issue 4, ISSN: 0976-3783.
  • 71
    Shashank Nayak N, Shwetha S Kamath K, Arpit S Pandya, Srinivas Hebbar, ARShabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablet of Caffeine by sublimation method”. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Tech Vol. 2013, Issue 4, ISSN: 0976-3783.
  • 72
    Krunal Panara, Padmavathi P Prabhu, EVS Subrahmanyam and A.R.Shabaraya “Development of New Analytical Methods and their validation for the determination of Dortaverine hydrochloride in bulk and marketed formulations”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical sciences, Vol. 2 (2) Apr-June 2013.
  • 73
    Srinivas Hebbar, Shashank Nayak N, Shwetha Nayak N, Narasimharaj Manja, A.R.Shabaraya “Formulation and Evaluation of Levofloxacin Dental Strips for Periodontitis Diseases” American Journal of Pharmtech Research 2013; 3(2), ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 74
    Arun Gokul T. S, Krishnananda Kamath K, A.R.Shabaraya “Formulation and optimization of Aceclofenac gel” Research in Pharmacy 3(1):14-22,2013, ISSN: 2231-539X
  • 75
    Ramesh N, Socorrina & Ramakrishna Shabaraya A “Invitro-in vivo correlation and its application” Pharmabizonline 2013.
  • 76
    Kamath Krishnananda K, Shabaraya A.R. Mohd Azharuddin, Gopikrishna K and Srinivas U “Anthelmintic activity of leaves extracts of Anacardium Occidentale and Mangifera Indica (anacardiaceae). Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2013; 3(5) ISSN: 2249-3387
  • 77
    Pradnya M. Mardolkar, Krishnananda K. Kamath, EVS Subrahmanyam, Shabaraya “Analytical Method Transfer for Solid Dosage Forms” Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2013; 3(3) ISSN: 2249-3387
  • 78
    Krishnananda Kamath, A.R. Shabaraya and Mohd Azharuddin, “Effect of Vateria Indica As A Binder In The Formulation And Evaluation of Diclofenac Sodium Tablets”, International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 2 (4) : July-August 2013 (ISSN): 2319-8141.
  • 79
    Soman Leyana, A.R Shabaraya, Mohd Azharuddin, Phaldesai Saiesh, “Edicated Paper Soap Strips For Dermal Infection”, International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 2(5): September –October 2013, ISSN:2319-8141.
  • 80
    Arun Gokul T.S, Krishnananda Kamath and A.R. Shabaraya, “Formulation and optimization of Aceclofenac gel”, Research in Pharmacy 3(1): 14-22, 2013, ISSN: 2231- 539X
  • 81
    Sumit Saparia, Padmavathi P Prabhu, EVS Subrahmanyam and A.R.Shabaraya, “Development of New analytical Methods and their validation for the determination of Metoprolol Succinate in Bulk and Marketed Formulations”, Pharma Analysis and Quality Assurance Vol. 2013, Issue 4, ISSN- 0976-3813.
  • 82
    Heera Nambiar, E.V.S Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya “Development of new analytical method for the determination of bromfenac in bulk and marketed formulation and its validation” International journal of PharmTech Research, Vol.5, No.2, 2013, 486-491.
  • 83
    Alisha Noela Dias, E.V.S Subrahmanyam, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Johnson Misquith “New Analytical method and its alidation for the estimation of dorzolamide hydrochloride in bulk and marketed formulation”. International journal of Chem Tech Research, Vol. 5(4), 1655-1663, 2013, ISSN-0974-4290.
  • 84
    Prabhu Padmavathi P, Paramita Das, Panara Krunal, EVS Subrahmanyam, “Analytical Method development and validation for estimation of drotaverin Hcl in Bulk and tablet formulation”, Asian Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 2249-622X.
  • 85
    Padmavathi P Prabhu, Navneet Krishna Manoj, Paramita Das, EVS Subrahmanyam, “Development and validation for the quantification of Guaifenesin in Formulation Analysis”, Pharma Analysis and Quality Assurance Vol. 2013, Issue 4, ISSN- 0976- 3813.
  • 86
    Kamat Akshay Ramesh, Shabaraya A.R, Azharuddin Mohd., Krishnananda Kamath K, “ Formulation and Evaluation of pulsatile drug delivery system containing indomethacin using natural polymers”, IRJP 2013, 4 (2), ISSN: 2230-8407.
  • 87
    Sagarbechara, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Subrahmanyam E.V.S, Jignesh J Kaneria, Sumit Saparia, Shabaraya A.R., “ Development of New Analytical method and its validation for the determination of tramadol hydrochloride in bulk and marketed formulations”, online Asian Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN: 2249-622X
  • 88
    Padmavathi P Prabhu, Paramita Das, Kubavat Sumantkumar, “Validated determination of lornoxicam in tablets by using UV-LC method”, International Journal of Medical and pharmaceutical sciences research and review Vol. 1(3) ISSN: 2321-7049.
  • 89
    Syed Aamir, Mohammed Rizwan, Karigar Asif, Koshy Sunil, Chandur Viresh, Pande Sushant S, Parveen Sultana, “ Hepatoprotective & Antioxidant effect of whole plant extract of Polygonumglabrum willd. On CCL4 Induced hepatic damage in rats” Unique journal of Pharmaceutical and biological sciences 2013, 01(2) ISSN: 2347-3614.
  • 90
    Ronald Peter, Mahitha A V, Shashank Nayak, Shwetha Kamath, A. R Shabaraya “Spectroscopic analysis of flunarizine dihydrochloride in various solvents” Pharm. Analysis & Quality Assurance Vol. 2013, Issue 4 ISSN: 0976-3813.
  • 91
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Dr. A.R.Shabaraya & Dr. E.V.S.Subrahmanyam “Analytical instrument Qualification (AIQ) in Pharmaceutical Industry” Pharma Times, Vol.45-No.11-November 2013.
  • 92
    Kumara Prasad S A, Subrahmanyam E.V.S, Shabaraya A R, “Design and biological screening of some novel formazan derivatives from schiff bases of gallic acid” world Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2741-2752, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 93
    Kumara Prasad S A, Subrahmanyam E.V.S, Shabaraya A R, “Design and biological screening of some novel formazan derivatives from schiff bases of gallic acid” world Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2014, 2741-2752, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 94
    Ankur Kaneria, Padmavathi P Prabhu, “Simple spectrophotometric estimation of carbamazepine using crystal violet”, Pharma Analysis and Quality assurance, Vol. 2014, issue 2, ISSN 0976-3813.
  • 95
    Ronald Peter, N Shashank Nayak S, Shwetha K Kamath, and A.R.Shabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluaon of Fast dissolving tablets of flunarizine HCL by sublimation Method using treated Agar as Superdisintegrant”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(2) Apr-Jun 2014, 552-562, ISSN-2277-5005.
  • 96
    Raval Kashyap, U Srinivasa, “Development and validation of HPLC method for the simultaneous estimation of Gatifloxacin and Loteprednol in bulk and dosage form”. International Journal of Drug. Dev. & Res., January-March 2014, 6 (1): 280-285, ISSN:0975-9344.
  • 97
    Raval Kashyap, U Srinivasa, “First order derivative and dual wavelength spectrophotometry methods development and validation for simultaneous estimation of alogliptin and pioglitazone in bulk and dosage form”. International Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.6(2), 2014, ISSN: 0975-1491.
  • 98
    Naseeb KM, Hegde Karunakar, Syed Aamir, Deepak T K Kalangottil Ashar, “Evaluation of Antivenom activity of ethanolic extract of Buchanania Lanzan bark against Naja Kaouthia Snake Venom”. Unique Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences, 2014, 02 (02): Page 39-45, ISSN 2347-3614.
  • 99
    Kimberley Marita Dias, Padmavathi P Prabhu, E V S Subrahmanyam, A R Shabaraya “Development of New Analytical method and its validation for the determination of Losartan Potassium in bulk and marketed formulations”. Inventi Rapid: Pharma Analysis and Quality Assurance Vol. 2014, Issue 2 [ISSN 0976-3813].
  • 100
    Trevor Sequeira, Padmavathi P, Prabhu, “New Analytical Method and its Validation for the Estimation of Nebivolol Hydrochloride in Bulk and Marketed Formulation”. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Analysis & Quality Assurance Vol. 2014, Issue 2 [ISSN 0976-3813].
  • 101
    Trevor Sequeira, Padmavathi P Prabhu “Simple Spectrophoto -metric Estimation of Ciclopirox in Bulk and Marketed Formulation”. Inventi Rapid: Pharm Analysis & Quality Assurance Vol. 2014, Issue 2 [ISSN 0976-3813].
  • 102
    Ronald Peter, N Shashank Nayak S, Shwetha K Kamath, and A.R.Shabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluation of Fast dissolving tablets of flunarizine Hydrochloride by sublimation Method using sodium starch Glycolate as Superdisintegrant”. International Journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol. 6(3) 2014, 1085-1095, ISSN-0974-4304.
  • 103
    Karunakar Hegde, Gargi Moitra, “Evaluation of Anticancer activity of Extract of Aphanamixis Polystachya (Wall) Parker Leaves”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, Vol. 3(1-2) 2014, ISSN-2277-7873.
  • 104
    Karunakar Hegde, T K Deepak, K. K Kabitha “Hepatoprotective Potential of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Santalum album Linn. Leaves”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research Vol. 6(3) 2014, 224-228, ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 105
    Kabitha K. K, Karunakar Hegde, “Evaluation of the Anti-Ulcer Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Azadirachta indica Flower” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(3) 2014, ISSN-2277-5005.
  • 106
    Ashar Kalangottil, Karunakar Hegde, Naseeb K M “Evaluation of Protective Effect of Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Fruit Peels of Punica granatum Linn against Ulcerative Colitis in Rats” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2014; Vol. 6(3) 211-215, ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 107
    Abdul Muneer MT, Ashok Shenoy, Karunakar Hegde, Syed Aamir and A.R Shabarya “Evaluation of the Anti-diabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Citrus maxima stem Bark” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(3) 2014, ISSN-2277-5005.
  • 108
    Ronald Peter, N Shashank Nayak S, Shwetha K Kamath, and A.R.Shabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluation of Fast dissolving tablets of flunarizine Hydrochloride by sublimation Method using sodium starch Glycolate as Superdisintegrant”. International Journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol. 6(3) 2014, 1085-1095, ISSN-0974-4304
  • 109
    Karunakar Hegde, Gargi Moitra, “Evaluation of Anticancer activity of Extract of Aphanamixis Polystachya (Wall) Parker Leaves”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, Vol. 3(1-2) 2014, ISSN-2277-7873.
  • 110
    Kabitha K. K, Karunakar Hegde, “Evaluation of the Anti-Ulcer Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Azadirachta indica Flower” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 2(4) 2014, ISSN-2277-5005.
  • 111
    Ashar Kalangottil, Karunakar Hegde, Naseeb K M “Evaluation of Protective Effect of Hydro-alcoholic Extract of Fruit Peels of Punica granatum Linn against Ulcerative Colitis in Rats” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2014; Vol. 6(3) 211-215, ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 112
    Abdul Muneer MT, Ashok Shenoy, Karunakar Hegde, Syed Aamir and A.R Shabarya “Evaluation of the Anti-diabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Citrus maxima stem Bark” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3(3) 2014, ISSN-2277-5005.
  • 113
    Prakash S Nayak , B Narayana, B.K Sarojini, Karunakar Hegde, K.S Shashidhara “Design and synthesis of novel heterocyclic acetamide derivatives for potential analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities” Med Chem Res (2014) Vol. 23(9), 4280-4294, ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 114
    Karunakar Hegde, Rita Nongbri, Divya K V, “Anti-Diabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Lactuca Laevigata (Bl) Dc. Leaves”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, Vol. 3(1-2) 2014, ISSN-2277-7873.
  • 115
    Raval Kashyap, U Srinivasa, Kalindi Badodaria, “Development and validation of RPHPLC method for simultaneous estimation of avanafil and dapoxentine hydrochloride in bulk and dosage form”. World Journal of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.3 (7) 1697-1719, 2014, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 116
    Raval Kashyap, U Srinivasa, Kalindi Badodaria, “First order derivative and dual wavelength spectrophotometry methods development and validation for simultaneous estimation of a vanafil and dapoxentine hydrochloride in bulk and dosage form”., International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Vol.6(1) 6418-6438, 2014, ISSN:0975-766X.
  • 117
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Dr. A.R.Shabaraya, Dr. E.V.S Subrahmanyam “Role of Environment Health and safety (EHS) in Pharmaceutical Industry”, Pharma Times, Vol.46(12) December, 2014.
  • 118
    Raval Jigar Pradyumanbhai, Krishnananda Kamath K., A.R. Shabaraya “Design, Development and Evaluation of Dendritic Architechture for the Delivery of Ofloxacin against Resistance Producing Strains” Research in Pharmacy, Vol.4(6), 2014.
  • 119
    Devi Swapna P V, Paramita Das, S H.Chetan, Jitender Reddy, “Method Development and Validation for the Simultaneous Estimation of Propranolol Hydrochloride and Etizolam by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography”, American Journal of Pharm Tech Research, Vol.4(6), 2014, ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 120
    Padmavathi P Prabhu, Paramita Das, AnkurKaneria, Jithendar Reddy M, “Simple Spectrophotometric Estimation of Labetalol in Bulk and Marketed Formulation”, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 1(2), 2014, ISSN:XXX-XXX.
  • 121
    Preethi Sudheer, and Dr. Ramakrishna Shabaraya. A. “Chitosan based mucoadhesive microsphers for oral controlled delivery of diltiazem hydrochloride”. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2014,8(9),1336-1340. ISSN: 0974-6943.
  • 122
    Preethi Sudheer and Ramakrishna Shabaraya A. “Formulation and Evaluation of Nifedipine Loaded Chitosan Microsphers for Mucoadhesive Drug Delivery”. IJPSR.2014, 5(11): 5017-22. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-
  • 123
    Theivendren Panneer Selvam, Arumugam Sivakumar, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Design and synthesis of quinazoline carboxylates against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, fungal pathogenic strains, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis” Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied sciences. 2014; Vol.6 (4): 278-284.
  • 124
    Trevor Sequeira, Padmavathi P Prabhu, EVS Subrahmanyam and Sarvesh Parsekar “Visible Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Ciclopirox Using Coupling Reagent” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3 (3) JulSep 2014, ISSN: 2277-5005.
  • 125
    Kumara Prasad, Srinivasa U, EVS Subrahmanyam & Shabaraya A R “Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Some Novel-{[(1H-Indol-4-YL)Oxy]Methyl}-5Phenyl1,3,4-Oxadiazole derivatives as potential antioxidant agents”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015; Vol. 4 (3), 1145-1153, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 126
    Raval Kashyap, U Srinivasa, Kalindi Badodaria, “First order derivative and dual wavelength spectrophotometry methods development and validation for simultaneous estimation of a vanafil and dapoxentine hydrochloride in bulk and dosage form”., International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology, Vol.6(1) 6418-6438, 2014, ISSN: 0975-766X.
  • 127
    Raval Kashyap & U Srinivasa, “Dualwavelength & Q Absorption Ratio Spectrophotometry Methods Development and Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Metoprolol Succinate and Chlorthalidone in Bulk and Dosage Form” International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences, Volume 2 (6), 2014; e-ISSN: 2348- 6465.
  • 128
    Nithinchandra, Kalluraya B, Arun S, Shabaraya A.R published an original research scientific paper entitled “Regioselective reaction: synthesis characterisation and Pharmacological activity of some Mannich and Schiff bases containing sydnone” European journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Vol.54, 2012 pp 597-604 is cited by Elsevier Publications, a research consortium of International repute.
  • 129
    Raval Kashyap & U Srinivasa, “Dualwavelength & Q-Absorption Ratio Spectrophotometry Methods Development and Validation for Simultaneous Estimation of Metoprolol Succinate and Chlorthalidone in Bulk and Dosage Form” International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences, Volume 2 (6), 2014; e-ISSN: 2348- 6465.
  • 130
    Theivendren Panneer Selvam, Arumugam Sivakumar, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Design and synthesis of quinazoline carboxylates against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, fungal pathogenic strains, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis” Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied sciences. 2014; Vol.6 (4): 278-284.
  • 131
    Trevor Sequeira, Padmavathi P Prabhu, EVS Subrahmanyam and Sarvesh Parsekar, “Visible Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Ciclopirox Using Coupling Reagent” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3 (3), 2014; ISSN: 2277-5005.
  • 132
    Kumara Prasad, Srinivasa U, EVS Subrahmanyam & Shabaraya A R “Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of Some Novel-{[(1H-Indol-4-YL)Oxy]Methyl}-5Phenyl1,3,4-Oxadiazole derivatives as potential antioxidant agents”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015; Vol. 4 (3), 1145-1153, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 133
    Ramesh N, Socorrina Colaco, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Sekar Rajan, Subramania Nainar Meyyanathan “Development of level a in vitro correlation for Ondansetron Hydrochloride sustained release tablet formulation” Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2015; Vol. 5(2), ISSN No: 2231-6876.
  • 134
    GS Ravi, V Chandur, A.R Shabaraya, K Sanjay “Phytosomes: An advanced herbal drug delivery system”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical research and Bio-science, 2015; Vol.4(3):415-432, ISSN: 2277-8713.
  • 135
    Karunakar Hegde, Dhruv Patel, Keerthi V “Evaluation of Cardioprotective activity of aqueous extract of Garcina Indica Linn fruit rind”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2015, Vol.8 (2), ISSN-0974-2441.
  • 136
    P Ashwini Pai, A R Shabaraya, K Krishnananda Kamath, “Preparation, Characterisation and In Vitro release study of liposomes loaded with artemether”. American Journal of Pharmtech research 2015, Vol.5(4), P-496-506,ISSN: 2249-3387
  • 137
    Shashank Nayak N, U Srinivasa, Shwetha S Kamath K, Shabaraya AR “UV Spectroscopic analysis of moxifloxacin Hydrochloride in simulated tear fluid”. International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2015Vol.4(5), ISSN: 2319-8141.
  • 138
    RavalKashyap and Srinivasa U, Development and validation new colorimetric method for the estimation of Alogliptin and Loteprednol.Int. J. Advanced pharmaceutics , Vol.5 (02) P 56-59, (2015).
  • 139
    RavalKashyap and Srinivasa U, Development and validation new colorimetric method for the estimation of Gatifloxacin and DapoxentineHcl. Int. J. Novel trends in pharmaceutical sciences , Vol.5 (02) P 27-31, (2015).
  • 140
    RavalKashyap and Srinivasa U, Development and validation new colorimetric method for the estimation of Ketotifen and Pioglitazone.Int. J. Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences , Vol.3 (05) P 1617- 21, (2015).
  • 141
    RavalKashyap and Srinivasa U, Development and validation new colorimetric method for the estimation of Salbutamol, Chlorthalidone and Metoprolol succinate .Int. J. Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences , Vol.3 (05) P 1622- 27, (2015).
  • 142
    RavalKashyap and Srinivasa U, Development and validation of Dual wavelength spectrophotometric methods for the simultaneous estimation of Ketotifen and Salbutamol in bulk and dosage form, Scholars academic journal of pharmacy, Vol.04 (01) P 16- 23, (2015).
  • 143
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, T. Panneer Selvam, C. S. Shastry, A. Sivakumar, Sushant S. Pande, “Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of 2-phenyl thiazolidinone substituted-2- phenyl benzothiazole-6-carboxylic acid derivatives”, Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 2015, volume 19, 181-185, DOI: 10.1016/j.jscs, Impact Factor: 2.523
  • 144
    Shukla Khushboo N, Padmavathi. P. Prabhu, E.V.S Subramanyam, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “Development of new Analytical methods and their Validation for the Determination of N- acetylcysteine In bulk and Marketed formulations”, IJPSR, 2015, 6(4), 773-776, ISSN: 0975-9492.
  • 145
    Jaydeep Kyada, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Paramita Das, “Spectrophotometric methods determination of saldanafil citrate using oxidizing agent”, Inventi Rapid: Pharma Analysis & Quality Assurance, 2015, 1(2), 01-05, ISSN: 0976-3813.
  • 146
    Kyada Jaydeep, Padmavathi P Prabhu, E V S Subrahmanyam, Sariya Kanji, “Visible Spectrophotometric Methods for Determination of Tizanidine Hydrochloride, Inventi Rapid: Pharma Analysis & Quality Assurance, 2015, 1(2), 01-05, ISSN: 0976-3813.
  • 147
    Amitha Shetty*, Mohd. Azharuddin, A. R. Shabaraya. Int. J. Inn. Drug Disc. 2015; 5(1):81-88. Development and evaluation of tramadol hydrochloride microspheres as colon targeted drug delivery system.
  • 148
    Shashank Nayak*, Srinivasa U, Shwetha S K, Shabaraya A R. Pharma tutor 4(4). Zero order & first order derivative spectroscopic analysis of moxifloxacin hydrochloride & ketorolac tromethamine in simulated tear fluid.
  • 149
    Ravi, Viresh Chandur, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Sanjay Design and Characterization of Phytosomal Nano Carriers for Enhanced Rutin Delivery, Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2015; 5(4).
  • 150
    Karunakar Hegde, T K Deepak, K. K Kabitha “Hepatoprotective Potential of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Santalum album Linn. Leaves”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research Vol. 6(3) 2014, 224-228, ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 151
    Kumara Prasad S.A, Srinivasa U, Subrahmanyam EVS & Shabaraya A R “Design, Synthesis and in vitro antioxidant evaluation of some novel -3[[(1H-indol-4-YL) oxy] methyl}-6-phenyl-[1,2,4] trizolo [3,4-b]1,3,4] thiadiazole derivatives, World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences Vol. 5 (3), 2016, 1112-1122, ISSN 2278-4357
  • 152
    Mallikarjuna Gowda M and Ramakrishna Shabaraya A “Bioanalytical method development and validation for the quantification of ciprofloxacilin HCL in plasma by HPLC”, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and medical research volume 3(3) 525-528 (2016) ISSN-2394-3211.
  • 153
    Mallikarjuna Gowda M and Ramakrishna Shabaraya A “Design and evaluation of colon specific delivery of budesonide core in coat matrix tablet used in local ulcerative colitis”, IJPSDR volume 8(2) 75-82 (2016) ISSN-0975-248X.
  • 154
    Dhanya K, Satish S, Karunakar Hegde & Shabaraya AR. “Investigation on Learning and Memory Enhancing activity of Essential Oil in Albizia julibrissin Flowers in Experimental Mice”. Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 6(55), 2016, 11-15.
  • 155
    Sowjanya, Satish S, Karunakar Hegde & Shabaraya AR “Evaluation of nootropic potential of apple cider vinegar in validated experimental animal model” Asian journal of pharmacology 4(14),2016,16-20.
  • 156
    Kamath KK, Shabaraya AR. “Preliminary phyto-chemical screening and antibacterial activity of frontal leaves of Tectona grandis (Family: Verbenaceae)”. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016; 5(6): 2377-2384. ISSN 2278 4357.
  • 157
    Rachana B, K.S.Sreepada, Karunakar Hegde “Protective effects of urine from Malnad gidda an indigenous cow breed, on paracetamol treated wistar rats”. The journal of free radicals and antioxidants: Photon 143 (2016) 426-435, ISJN:9102-2347.
  • 158
    K. Krishnananda Kamath, A. Ramakrishna Shabaraya “Antibacterial Poly-Herbal Semisolid Formulations Containing Leaves Extracts of Tectona grandis, Mangifera indica and Anacardium occidentale” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2016; 8(5): 265-268. ISSN: 0975-248X.
  • 159
    Nagaraj P, Gopalakrishna Bhat N, Chandrashekara KG, Chetan Seetharam Harekal “Complexing Behaviour of 4-[{3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) prop-2-enalidene}- amino]-5-ethyl-4H-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-thiol” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2016; 3(11): 71-75. ISSN: 2349-5979.
  • 160
    Deeksha R Pai, Krishnananda Kamath K, E.V.S Subramanyam & A.R Shabaraya “Personnel Training for Pharmaceutical Industry”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance 2016; 7(3); 55-61. ISSN 0975 9506.
  • 161
    Krishnananda Kamath K. and A. Ramakrishna Shabaraya “Antibacterial Activity of Semisolid Dosage Forms Containing Extracts of Frontal Leaves of Tectona grandis (Family: Verbenaceae)” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Sciences 2016; Vol. 5 (4) ISSN: 2277-5005.
  • 162
    Chaithra Amin B, Satish S and Karunakara Hegde “Therapeutic Uses of Allamanda Cathartica Linn. With A Note on Its Phrmacological Actions: a Review”. International Journal of Pharma and Chemical Research I Volume 2, Issue 4, 2016, ISSN 2395-3411.
  • 163
    Nimisha Menon, Krishnananda Kamath K, A. R. Shabaraya “Conducting root cause analysis and its implementation: a perspective” Manipal Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2016; 2(2): 21-25, ISSN No.: 2455-3735.
  • 164
    Krishnananda Kamath K, A. Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “comparison of Antibacterial activity of Leaves Extracts of Tectona Grandis, Mangifera Indica, and Anacardium Occidentale” International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 9, Issue 1, 2017, ISSN- 0975-7066.
  • 165
    Paramita Das, Padmavathi P Prabhu, and Jitender Reddy “Isolation and identification of new C-Flavanol glycosides from allium CEPA” International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical analysis Vol. 4(1), 1-7, 2016, elSSN: 2348-0726, plSSN-2395-2466.
  • 166
    Shashank Nayak N, Srinivasa U “Design and evaluation of ion activated in Situ ophthalmic gel of moxifloxacin hydrochloride and ketorolax tromethamine combination using carboxy methylated tamarind kernel powder”. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical sciences, Vol-3, Issue 1, Jan 2017:1-8, ISSN-2413-4929.
  • 167
    Deeksha R Pai, Krishnananda Kamath K, Dr. A.R.Shabaraya “ Implementation of successful Training program in pharmaceutical industry” Pharma Times Vol. 49, No.3, March 2017.
  • 168
    Paramita Das, Padma P Prabhu, Jithernder Reddy, “Isolation and identification of new C-Flavanol glycosides from the Allium CEPT”. International Journal of chemical and pharmaceutical analysis Vol.4, No.1 (2017).
  • 169
    Shashank Nayak N & Srinivasa U “Design and evaluation of pH triggered in SITU on ophthalmic gel of moxifloxacin hydrochloride and ketorolac tromethamine combination” International Journal of current research Vol. 9, Issue 5, (2017).
  • 170
    Naveen Kumar G.S, U Srinivas, Hanumanthchar Joshi “Development and validation of spectrophotometric method for simultaneous estimation of meclizine and folic acid in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage forms”. Pharma Tutor; vol. 5(6) 2017.
  • 171
    Naveen Kumar G.S & Srinivasa U., “Development and validation of HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of meclizine and folic acid in bulk drug and pharmaceutical formulations”. International Journal of Current research Vol.9, Issue 6, June 2017.
  • 172
    Ramesh N. Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “Development, Internal and External validation of Naproxen sodium sustained release formulation: An level A in vitro in vivo correlation”. Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Turk J Pharm Sci. 2017; 14:120-126.
  • 173
    Ramesh N, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, A Sensitive and rapid liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of metoclopramide hydrochloride in human plasma.Lat.Am.J.Pharm.36(3): 527-34(2017).
  • 174
    Ramesh N, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, Development and evaluation of internal and external predictability of metoclopramide hydrochloride modified release formulations: An establishment of level A in vitro and in vivo correlation. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research. 2017;51(2S): S17-23, 2017.
  • 175
    Ramesh N, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “preparation and Evaluation of a sustained release formulation of metoclopramide hydrochloride HPMCT tablets”. Marmara Pharmaceutical journal 2017;21(3:717-729).
  • 176
    Kumara Prasad S.A, Chetan S.H, Subrahmanyam E.V.S and Shabaraya A.R, Synthesis characterization and antimicrobial activity of some substituted 2-(1H-Indol-4- YL)OXY)-N- benzylideneacetohydrazide” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2017: Vol. 6(8)1736-1743, ISSN: 2277-7105.
  • 177
    Gajanan Sanglikar, Sandyavalli M.S, Manjunath E and Kavitha N.V, “Synthesis and anti inflammatory activity of 3,5-diphenyl 4-amino 1,2,4-triazole derivatives” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 6(8) 1744-1754, 2017, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 178
    Ramesh N, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “A High Throughout liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry method for the quantification of naproxen sodium in human plasma: application to pharmacokinetic study” Indo American journal of pharmaceutical research, Vol.7, issue (7), 2017, ISSN:2231-6876.
  • 179
    Gajanan Sanglikar, Chetan S.H, Sandyavalli M.S, Manjunath E and Kavitha N.V, “Synthesis and anti convulsant activity of some traizole derivatives”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 6, Issue 12, 2017, ISSN: 2277-7105.
  • 180
    Architha Aithal & P.S. Aithal, “ABCD analysis of task shifting – an optimum alternative solutions to professional healthcare personnel shortage” International journal of health sciences and pharmacy (IJHSP) Vol. 1, No.2, October 2017.
  • 181
    Architha Aithal & Dr. Ateendra Jha, “Task shifting: A need for current healthcare system”. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences,. Vol3 (3A) 2017.
  • 182
    Architha Aithal & Dr. Ateendra Jha, “An empirical study on the importance of task shifting in current healthcare system”. International journal of management technology and social sciences (IJMTS), Vol.1, (1) 2017.
  • 183
    Architha Aithal & P.S. Aithal, “Task shifting and alternative survival strategy for health care organizations”. International journal of scientific research and modern education (IJSRME)”. Vol.2(2, 2017.
  • 184
    K Divakar, U Srinivasa, J Prabhavathi, Naga Madhuri, Y Bhargavi, Y Vara Anjali, G Manikanta Swamy “Ficus racemosa of anthelmintic activity leaves”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research, Vol. (2) 5, 2017, ISSN-2455-4685.
  • 185
    Deeksha, R. Pai; Viresh, K. C; Shabaraya, A. R; Sanjay, K “Formulation &evaluation of enteric coated piroxicam loaded beads, Advanced science letters, American scientific publishers indexes in scopus” Advanced Science Letters, Volume 23, Number 3, March 2017, pp. 1837-1840(4) 15
  • 186
    Mandeep Chakraborty, Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed, Ananya Bhattacharjee, “The potential for interaction of tolbutamide with pomegranate juice against diabetic induced complications in rats”. Integrative Medicine Research, Vol. 6, Issue 4, 2017.
  • 187
    Mandeep Chakraborty, Mohammed Gulzar Ahmed, Ananya Bhattacharjee “ Potential pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interaction of pomegranate juice and nateglinide against diabetis induced complications in rats” Synergy, Volume 5, 2017.
  • 188
    Rashmi K, Karunakar Hegde, K Bhasker Shenoy “Immunomodulatory effect of leaf extracts of Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn” Indian Journal of Traditional knowledge Vol. 16(4) October 2017.
  • 189
    K. Vineetha, Marina Kolnad “Investigation of biodegradable injectable In Situ gelling implantable system of Rivastigmine tartrate” Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol.11 (4), 2017.
  • 190
    Paramita Das, T Pannerselvam, Dr. Padmavathi P Prabhu and Jithendar Reddy, “Method development and validation of gallic acid and ellagic acid in argwadharistam”. “International journal of current research, Vol. 9 (11), 61417-61420, 2017.
  • 191
    Krishna Kishor P, Padmavathi P Prabhu & Chetan S H, “Development and validation of new analytical methods for simultaneous estimation of ramipril and metoprolol succinate by HPLC method in combined tablet dosage form” International Journal of Pharma and Chemical chemical research Vol. 3 (4), Oct-Dec 2017, ISSN 2395-3411.
  • 192
    A. Tari, Padmavathi P Prabhu, Paramita Das, “Analytical method development and validation of metformin hydrochloride and benfotiamine in bulk and marketed formulations” Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN 2413-4929 (Print) ISSN 2413-4910 (online), 2017.
  • 193
    Padmavathi P Prabhu, Paramita Das, Jitender Reddy “Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial studies of novel pyrazoline derivatives”. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN: 2413-4929 (Print), ISSN 2413-4910 (online), 2018.
  • 194
    Paramita Das, T Pannerselvam, Padmavathi P Prabhu “Spectrometric method development and validation of catechin and quercetin in khadirarista”. Saudi Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 2413-4929 (Print), ISSN 2413-4910 (online), 2018.
  • 195
    Santosha Vooradi, Leelavathi D Acharya, Shubha Seshadri, G. Thunga & Vijayanarayana, “Preparation, validation and user-testing of Patient information leaflets on diabetes and hypertension”. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2018; 80(1): 118-125.
  • 196
    Subrahmanyam EVS, Kumara Prasad SA, Shabaraya A R, Srinivasa U, “New Analytical method development and investigation of validation parameters of furosemide in pure and marketed formulations” International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences, Vol.5 (2), 2018, ISSN 2394-5893.
  • 197
    Subrahmanyam EVS, Kumara Prasad SA, Shabaraya A R, Srinivasa U, “New spectrocolorimetric methods development and investigation of validation parameters of glibenclamide in bulk and marketed formulations” International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences, Vol.5 (3), 2018, ISSN 2394-5893.
  • 198
    Karunakar Hegde, Aparna Emani, Shrijani J K, A.R.Shabaraya” Anti Arthritic potentials of piper betle – A preclinical study” Indian Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology,5(1); 2018.
  • 199
    Sushant Sudhir Pande, Padmavathi P. Prabhu & Padmashree K., “To explore Grignard’s reaction in the synthesis of structurally related compounds of Carbinoxamine and evaluate Anti histaminic activity”. International Journal of PharmTech Research, Vol.3, No.1 pp 209-213, Jan- Mar, 2011, ISSN: 0974-4304.
  • 200
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, Sushant Sudhir Pande and C.S.Shastry, “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Schiff’s Bases of some New Benzothiazole Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents”. International Journal of ChemTech Research, Vol. 3, No.1, pp.185-191, Jan-Mar 2011, ISSN: 0974-4290.
  • 201
    Rashmi K., K. Bhasker Shenoy, Karunakar Hegde and A.R. Shabaraya “Hepatoprotective effect of Barringtonia acutangula (L.) Gaertn leaf extracts against CCl4 induced hepatic damage”. Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011, 4(2), 540-542. ISSN-0974-6943.
  • 202
    Syed Aamir, Thippeswamy B S , Kulkarni V H, Hegde Karunakar, “Hepatoprotective Effect of Euphorbia Thymifolia Whole Plant Extract on CCl4 Induced Hepatic Damage in Rats” . International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2(2), 2011; 681-686 ISSN 2229-3566.
  • 203
    Rajesh Kamath, Devraj Shetty, Pratibha Bhat, A.R.Shabaraya and Karunakar Hegde “Evaluation of antibacterial and anthelmintic activity of root extract of crataeva nurvala”. Pharmacologyonline 1: 617-622(2011).
  • 204
    Devraj Shetty, Rajesh Kamath, Pratibha Bhat, Karunakar Hegde and A.R. Shabaraya “Anthelmintic activity of root extract of raphanus sativus”. Pharmacologyonline1:675-679(2011).
  • 205
    B.C. Revanasiddappa, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam and T.N. Lakshmi “Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some Novel Pyrazolines”. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Apr-June, 2011 Vol.45, issue 2, 164-167.
  • 206
    Patel Nirali, Shenoy Ashoka M, Moses Samuel R, Shabaraya AR, “Evaluation of Antiobesity Activity of GCCr-Ob Formulation”. International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2 (3) 2011 135-138, ISSN 2230 – 8407.
  • 207
    Kothadia AD, Shenoy AM, Shabaraya AR, Rajan MS, Viradia UM, Patel NH, “Evaluation of Cataract Preventive Action of Phycocyanin”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2011; 3(1): 42-44, ISSN 0975-248X.
  • 208
    Anil Kumar, Moses Samuel Rajan, Ashok Shenoy, Ramakrishna Shabaraya, “Evaluation of in vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract of clerodendrum phlomidis linn bark”. Journal of Theoretical and experimental biology 7(3 and 4): 109-115, 2011, ISSN: 0972- 9720.
  • 209
    H.R. Bhatt, S.R. Moses, R.A. Shabarya “Evaluation of Anti-Diabetic activity of Morinda citrafolia, Trigonela foenum graecum and butea monosperma Herbal Formulation”. Journal of Theoretical and experimental biology 7(3 and 4): 117-120, 2011, ISSN: 0972-9720.
  • 12
    Murali Veepuri, Moses Samuel Rajan, M. Ashoka Shenoy, A.R. Shabaraya “Screening of Antioxidant and Wound Healing Activities of Ethanol Extract of Salix Tetrasperma (Roxb) Leaves”. Journal of Theoretical and experimental biology 7(3 and 4): 131-138, 2011, ISSN: 0972-9720.
  • 210
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, C.S.Shastry, Sushant Sudhir Pande, T. Panneer Selvam “Design, synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of Benzothiazole-6-carboxylate derivatives”. Research in Pharmacy 1(2):6-12, 2011, ISSN: 2231-539X.
  • 211
    Mohd Azharuddin, Krishnananda Kamath, T. Panneer Selvam, Subash S. Pillai, A.R,Shabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluation of controlled release matrix tablets of antihypertensive drug using natural and synthetic hydrophilic polymers”. Research in Biotechnology, 2(4):26-32, 2011. ISSN-2229-791X.
  • 212
    Mohd Azharuddin, Danakka. Spandana, Krishnananda Kamath, Subash S. Pillai, A.R,Shabaraya, “Formulation and Evaluation of fast disintegrating tablets of Granisetron HCl using natural polymers”. Research in Pharmacy 1(2):20-27, 2011. ISSN: 2231-539X.
  • 213
    Subash S. Pillai, K.L.Senthil Kumar, T.Panneer Selvam, A.R,Shabaraya, T.K.Muneer “Research studies on polymeric effect of indomethacine transdermal films”. Research in Biotechnology, 2(4):33-37, 2011. ISSN: 2229-791X.
  • 214
    Subash S. Pillai, A.S.Abhilash, T.Panneer Selvam, T.K.Muneer, A.R,Shabaraya, “Design and evaluation of timlolo maleate ocuserts”. Research in Pharmacy 1 (2):13-16, 2011. ISSN: 2231-539X.
  • 215
    Subash S. Pillai, T.K.Muneer, T.Panneer Selvam, Mohd. Azharuddin, A.R,Shabaraya, “Controlled drug delivery of diltiazem hydrochloride as transdermal patches: a novel approach on formulation evaluation in vitro and in vivo parameters”. Research in Pharmacy 1(2): 17-19, 2011. ISSN: 2231-539X.
  • 216
    Subash S. Pillai, K.L.Senthil Kumar, T.Panneer Selvam, A.R,Shabaraya, T.K.Muneer “Effect of polymeric activity on transdermal patches of Glipizide”. Research in Pharmacy 1(2):1-5,2011. ISSN:2231-539X.
  • 217
    Amrutia Jay N, Lala Minaxi, Srinivasa U., Shabaraya A. R., Moses Rajan Semuel , “Anticonvulsant Activity of Moringa Oleifera Leaf”. International Research Journal Of Pharmacy, 2 (7) 2011 160-162 ,ISSN 2230 – 8407
  • 218
    Padmavathi P.Prabhu, C.S.Shastry, Sushant Pande, Arvind Pai, “Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of novel aryl benzothiazole derivatives” Journal of Pharmacy Research 2011,4(7),2209-221. ISSN: 0974-6943.
  • 219
    J Gowda, A M A Khader, B Kalluraya, Padmashree, A R Shabaraya, “Synthesis, characterization and pharmacological activity of 4-{[1-substituted aminomethyl-4- arylideneamino-5-sulfanyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl]methyl}-2H-1,4-benzothiazin3(4H)-ones.
  • 220
    UM Viradia, AM Shenoy, MS Rajan, AR Shabaraya, AD Kothadia, NH Patel “Effect of Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist Montelukast Along with Curcumin against Gastric Ulceration”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research 2011; 3(3): 184-187. ISSN 0975-248X.
  • 221
    Srinivasa U, Amrutia Jay N, Katharotiya Reena, Moses Semuel Rajan, “Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation And Anthelmintic Activity of Moringa Oleifera Leaves” International Research Journal of Pharmacy , 2 (8) 2011 130-131, ISSN 2230 – 8407.
  • 222
    Mallikarjuna Gouda M, Ramakrishna Shabaraya. A, Shantakumar S.M, Somashekar Shyale. S and Putta Rajesh kumar, “Development and validation of selective UV spectrophotometric analytical method for budesonide pure sample“. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 01 (07); 2011: 158-161.
  • 223
    Jnandev Kamath K, Krishnananda Kamath K, A.R.Shabaraya, “Securing the pharmaceutical supply chain using Anti-counterfeit technology” Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 49 (1), Jan-Feb-2012.
  • 224
    Jnandev Kamath K, Krishnananda Kamath K, A.R.Shabaraya, “Securing the pharmaceutical supply chain using Anti-counterfeit technology” Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Vol. 49 (1), Jan-Feb-2012.
  • 225
    Padmavathi P. Prabhu, T. Panneerselvam, C.S. Shastry, A. Sivakumar, Sushant S. Pande; Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of 2-phenyl thiaolidinone substituted 2- phenyl benzothiazole-6-carboxylic acid derivatives” Journal of Saudi ChemicalSociety,2012.
  • 226
    Karunakar Hegde, D. Satyanarayana, Arun B. Joshi, “Phytochemical investigation of Root Extract of the Plant Carissa Spinarum”. RGUHS J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.2, Issue.2, JanMar, 2012.
  • 227
    Raval Kashyap, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Development and validation of new colorimetric method for the estimation of topiramate in bulk and dosage form”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. April-2012, Vol.4, Issue No.1:3984-3999.ISSN:0975-766X.
  • 228
    Raval Kashyap, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Development and validation of new colorimetric method for the estimation of isoniazid in bulk and dosage form”, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science. June-2012, Vol.4, Suppl 3. 688-695, ISSN- 0975-1491,
  • 229
    Raval Kashyap, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “Development and validation of UV Spectroscopy method for the estimation of prednisolone in bulk and dosage form”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 2012, Vol.4, Issue No.2: 1090-1096.ISSN: 0975-7384
  • 230
    Raval Kashyap, E.V.S.Subrahmanyam, A.R.Shabaraya, “A Review on topiramate and available analytical methods”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and chemical sciences. April-June 2012, Vol.1, Issue No.2:877-883.ISSN:2277-5005.
  • 231
    Shrikanth Ulloora, Santhosh Kumar, Ramakrishna Shabaraya and Airody Vasudeva Adhikari, “New dihydropyridine derivatives: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and docking studies”, Medicinal Chemistry Research”, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s00044-012-0156-1.
  • 232
    Manjula D, Shabaraya AR, Somashekar Shyale, Josephine Leno Jenita1 “Preparation and Evaluation of Monolithic Transdermal Therapeutic Systems Containing Fenoprofen for the Treatment of Arthritis”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, Volume 13, Issue 2, March – April 2012; Article-014, ISSN 0976 – 044X.
  • 233
    Miranda F C, Kamath K K, Shabaraya A R, “Development of Gastro Retentive Floating Microspheres of Roxatidine acetate Hcl by Emulsion solvent diffusion technique”. International Journal of drug delivery technology. 2019; 9(4): 530-37.
  • 234
    Sindhoora D, Bhattacharjee A, Shabaraya AR. “Bioenhancers: "A comprehensive Review, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Jan-Feb 2020:60(1):126-131.
  • 235
    Chakraborty M, Bhattacharjee A, Ahmed M G, SindhuPriya ES, Shahin H, Taj T. Effect of Naringin on myocardial potency of Resveratrol against ischemia reperfusion induced myocardial toxicity in rat. Synergy” 2020;10:1-4. (Scopus index) (Published by Elsevier).
  • 236
    Babu HMM, Bhattacharjee A, Hegde K, Shabaraya AR. “Alstonia scholaris: A Brief Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research” Nov-Dec 2019:59(2):31-33.
  • 237
    Gafoor H, Bhattacharjee A, Hegde K, Shabaraya AR. “Ficus carica: A Brief Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Nov-Dec 2019:59(2):40-43.
  • 238
    Safiya Banu, Abith Baburaj, Nolin Johncy, Viresh K Chandur, S.Siva “A Study on Cost Analysis in Diabetic Patients with Cardiovascular Complications in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.10; Issue: 4; April 2020, ISSN: 2249-9571.
  • 239
    Jemshy Jolly, Satish S, Shabaraya AR “Evaluation of Frailty among Geriatric Patients in Residents of Aged Care Homes in District Headquarters Using Groningen Frailty Indicator” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.10; Issue: 8; August 2020, ISSN: 2249-9571.
  • 240
    Keerthana Ramesh, Anasuya P., A. R. Shabaraya “A Review on Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 9, Issue 7, 2020, 744-753 ISSN 2278 4357.
  • 241
    Anasuya P, Keerthana Ramesh, A.R. Shabaraya “A Review on Medication Adherence among Diabetes Patients” International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), Volume 8, Issue 7, July-2020, ISSN: 2455-6211.
  • 242
    Keerthana Ramesh, Anasuya P, Hawanisha K P, Blessy Babu Philipose, Krishnananda Kamath, Abhishek Pradhan “A Community Based Study on Assessment of Medication Adherence in Patients with Chronic Diseases” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.10; Issue: 6; June 2020, ISSN: 2249-9571.
  • 243
    Edwin Dias and Nolin Johncy “A Review on Common Anthelmintics in Childhood” Global Journal of Pediatrics & Neonatal Care” Volume 2-Issue 2, 2020 ISSN: 2689-422X.
  • 244
    Abith Baburaj, A. R. Shabaraya “Tics and Tourette Syndrome - A Complete Review” International Journal of Research and Review Vol.7; Issue: 6; June 2020, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 245
    Nolin Johncy, A. R. Shabaraya, “Review on Locked-in Syndrome” International Journal of Research and Review Vol.7; Issue: 3; March 2020, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 246
    Yadhukrishnan PU, Nolin Johncy, Christan M, Neena Priyamalar EM, Mohamed Thayub S, Daniel Sundar Singh S, “A Prospective Study on Monitoring and Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reaction in A Tertiary Care Hospital” South Asian Research Journal of Applied Medical Sciences Volume-2, Issue-2, Mar-Apr 2020.
  • 247
    Yadhukrishnan P U, Nolin Johncy, Shilpa R, Naveen Kumar P, Mohamed Thayub S, Daniel Sundar Singh S “Monitoring and Evaluation of Medication Error in a Tertiary Care Hospital”, South Asian Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume-2,Issue-2, Mar-Apr-2020.
  • 248
    M.S. Divakar, Raju Krishna Chalannavar, Shivakumar Hugar and Karunakar Hegde “Toxicological Evaluation of Ethyl AC Etate Extract of Syzygium kanarense (Talbot) Raizada Leaves in Wistar Rats” Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, March 2020. Vol. 13(1), p. 497-509.
  • 249
    Dona V Augustine, Dhresya P Nambiar, Manjima Saseendran, Anshila M K, S Siva “A Review on Drug Related Problems in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, India” International Journal of Research and Review ( Vol.7; Issue: 5; May 2020, ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 250
    Anshila M K, Dhresya P Nambiar, Dona V Augustine, Manjima Saseendran, A.R Shabraya, S Siva, “Evaluation of Drug Related Problems in Patients with Chronic Disease at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research Vol.10; Issue: 9; September 2020, ISSN: 2249-9571.
  • 251
    Anuja S., Viresh K.C., Abdul Raheem T and Shabaraya A.R., “Pharmaceutical Co-Crystals: An Overview” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 11; 2020, 556-569, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 252
    Bhattacharjee A, Kulkarni VH, Habbu PV, Chakraborty M, Shabaraya AR, “Protective effect of elagic acid against lead induced hepatotoxicity. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Sept 2020, 13(9); 4244-8 (Scopus Index).
  • 253
    Pandya Prutha Hitendraprasad, Karunakar Hegde, A.R. Shabaraya “Hylocereus undatus (Dragon Fruit): A Brief Review ” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Vol. 60; Issue:1; 2020, ISSN: 0976-044x.
  • 254
    Pandya Prutha Hitendraprasad, Aniruddha Banerjee, Karunakar Hegde “A Study on Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Hylocereus undatus Fruits in Experimental Rats” Am. J. PharmTech Res. 2020; 10(6) ISSN: 2249-3387.
  • 255
    Grinton Josvi Beigas, Ananya Bhattacharjee, Karunakar Hegde, A Ramakrishna Shabaraya “A Brief Review on Sechium edule” Int.J.Pharm.Sci.Rev.Res. 65(2), 2020, ISSN 0976-044X.
  • 256
    S. Inchara, A.R.Shabaraya, T. Bhavyashree “Development and characterization of nanoparticles loaded with Pravastatin for the treatment of atherosclerosis” International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences 9(6), 2020, 328-337, ISSN-2319-9563.
  • 257
    Vineetha M, Aniruddha Banerjee, Karunakar Hegde, “A study of fresh fruit of (Hybrid perentage) -Malus domestica X M. Sylvestris against Experimentally induced Alzheimer’s disease in mice”. Int. Journal of Pharm. Sciences.Rev.Res. 67(1), 2021, ISSN: 0976-044X.
  • 258
    Aniruddha Banerjee, Satish S, Pandya Prutha, Hitendraprasad, A.R.Shabaraya “Aromatherapy in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: A Systemic Review”. Int. Journal of Pharm. Sciences. Rev.Res. 66(2), 2021, ISSN: 0976-044X.
  • 259
    Princy Baby, A.R.Shabaraya and Bhavyashree T “Pharmaceutical cocrystals: A Novel approach for solubility modification”. World journal of pharmaceutical research, 10 (4), 2021, ISSN 2277-7105.
  • 260
    S.L Vijetha, A.R.Shabaraya and K. Vineetha “Formulation and evaluation of patch containing proniosomes for transdermal delivery of metformin hydrochloride”. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences, 10(1), 2021, ISSN-2319-9563.
  • 261
    Harsha P.V, Ashoka Shenoy M, Karunakar Hegde and Shabaraya A.R, “Syzygium Jambos: A brief review” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(4), 2021, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 262
    Kavyanjali K.V, Karunakar Hegde and Shabaraya A.R “Psidium Guajava: A Brief Review” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(4), 2021, ISSN-22784357.Vaishanavi T, Ashoka Shenoy M, Karunakar Hegde and Shabaraya A.R, “Phyllanthus Acidus: A Brief Review” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(4), 2021, ISSN-22784357.
  • 263
    Sumana G, Shabaraya A.R and Vineetha K “Nanosponges a novel carrier for drug delivery”. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 10(5), 2021, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 264
    K.C.Prajwal, A.R.Shabaraya and K Vineetha “Ethosomes: A Unique nanocarrier for drug delivery” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 10(5), 2021, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 265
    Bhavyashree T, Viresh K Chandur and A.R.Shabaraya “Formulation and evaluation of gel containing extract of Camellia sinensis for treatment of periodontitis” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021; 9(5), ISSN:2321-3310.
  • 266
    Viresh K Chandur, Bhavya Shree T, Narasimharaj A and Shabaraya A R “Influence of the component excipient on the functionality of biphasic delivery system of lornoxicam capsule in capsule” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021; 10(6), ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 267
    Mamatha DP, Viresh KC and Shabaraya A R. “Nanosponges: An Overview about the Novel class of Drug Delivery Systems”. WJPPS, 2021; 10(6): ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 268
    Swetha R, Viresh KC and Shabaraya A R “Nanosuspension A Novel Drug Delivery Systems Via Nose to Brain Drug Delivery”. WJPPS, 2021; 10(7): ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 269
    Viresh KC, Shabaraya AR, “Design and Characterization of Phytosomes containing Green Apple extract for its various Therapeutic Application” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021; 10 (7): ISSN:2278-4357.
  • 270
    Sachinkumar B, Viresh KC, Shabaraya A R “Formulation and Evaluation of mouth dissolving tablet of solid dispersion by sublimation technique”. Int. J. Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2021; 3(1): 19-25 ISSN: 2319 9563.
  • 271
    Akshay Kumar A, Shabaraya A R and Deekshitha “Formulation and Characterization of Gastroretentive in Situ Gel Drug Delivery Pattern of Ibuprofen”. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences 10(1), 2021, ISSN: 2319 – 9563.
  • 272
    K. Deekshitha, A. R. Shabaraya and Marina Koland “Investigation of transdermal patches of fenugreek seed extract for the treatment of diabetes mellitus” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2021; 9(10): ISSN (Print): 2321-3310.
  • 273
    Anuja S., Viresh K.C., Abdul Raheem T, Shabaraya A.R, “Pharmaceutical Co-Crystals: An Overview”, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020; 9(11): 556-69, ISSN:2278-4357.
  • 274
    Sandhrima Sudhakaran, Ateendra Jha, A.R.Shabaraya “A Review on Nonpharmacological treatment of diabetic mellitus: Myth V/S Reality” International Journal of Research and Review 2021; 8(7). ISSN- 2454-2237.
  • 275
    K. Vineetha, A.R.Shabaraya, Bhavyashree T, F.M Celvia, K Deekshitha “Formulation and evaluation of orodispersible films of atropine sulfate for sialorrhea” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021; 9(8), ISSN-2321-3310.
  • 276
    .Punya Prakash, Krishnananda Kamath Kunjal and A.R.Shabaraya “Dendrimer architecture : A comprehensive review” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 10(8), 638-659, ISSN- 2277-7105.
  • 277
    Satish S, Ansu Thomas, S Siva, A. R Shabaraya “A Study to Identify and Assess Drug-Drug Interactions among Geriatric Patients-A Community Based Study”. International Journal of Research and Review.2021;8(2):513-519, P-ISSN:2454-2237.
  • 278
    Satish S, Harshita J, A. R Shabaraya “Interventions to Enhance Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review”. International Journal of Research and Review.2021;8(2):454-459, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 279
    Bhagyasgree Ganesh Patgar, Satish S, A R Shabaraya “Essential Oil of Cupressus Sempervirens: A Brief Review”. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.2021;10(4): 864-872, ISSN:2278-4357.
  • 280
    Subbulakshmi K, Satish S, A R Shabaraya “Rose Apple fruit: Pharmacological review”. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.2021;10(4): 842-49, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 281
    Satish S, Manju Jose, A R Shabaraya “A Community Based Study to Identify the Reasons for Non-Adherence in Hypertensive Patients”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8( 2):37-41, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 282
    Satish S, Manju Jose, A R Shabaraya “Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications and Its Determinants in Hypertensive Patients - A Complete Review”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8( 2):42-48, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 283
    Satish S, Minnu Sara Sam, A R Shabaraya “Assessing the Role of Knowledge, Awareness, Practice in Achieving Medication Adherence among Hypertensive Patients”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8(5):324-29. P-ISSN-2454-2237.
  • 284
    Satish S, Minnu Sara Sam, A R Shabaraya “A Review on Prevalence of Medication Adherence among Hypertensive Patients in India. 2021; 8(7):30-35, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 285
    Satish S, Agnes Jain Rose “ECHOs of Medication Non-Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8(7):446-52.P- ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 286
    Satish S, Agnes Jain Rose, A R Shabaraya “A Study to Assess the Impact of Comorbidities and Polypharmacy in Non-Adherence to Antihypertensives”. International Journal of Research and Review .2021;8 (2):222-27, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 287
    Satish S, Keerthana Sajith and A.R. Shabaraya “A Study To Identify Potential Drug Related Problems Affecting the Quality of Life In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Tertiary Care Teaching”. Hospital. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2021;10(11):1960-70, ISSN: 2277-7105.
  • 288
    Satish S, Likhitha G , A R Shabaraya “Evaluation of Quality of Life in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Diabetes Scale of Quality of Life (DSQOL) in Tertiary care teaching hospital”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications. 2021; 6(4): 1492-1499, ISSN:2249-7781.
  • 289
    Satish S, Devika M. Nirmal and A. R. Shabaraya “A Study to Assess the Quality of Life in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients Using Appraisal Diabetes Scale in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2021;10(11): 2060-70, ISSN:2277-7105.
  • 290
    Abhishek Pradhan, Arya P P, A.R.Shabaraya “Prevalence of Different Brands and SMBG Frequency of Glucometer in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021; 11( 9); ISSN: 2249-9571 284-288.
  • 291
    Abhishek Pradhan, Febin Benny, A.R Shabaraya “Identification of Different Class of Drugs causing Medication Related Problems in the Elderly Patients of Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review 2021; Vol.8; Issue: 8; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 292
    Abhishek Pradhan, Fathimath Kamila Thasneem, A R Shabaraya “Prevalence of Diseases in Elderly Patients with Medication Related Problems” International Journal of Research and Review, 2021; Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021.
  • 293
    Ambika V, Abhishek Pradhan, A R Shabaraya, Chinju Jose, Niveditha TV, Shwetha N “Identification of Drugs That Commonly Cause Drug Related Problems in Patients with Chronic Diseases - A Community Based Study in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 294
    Shwetha N, Abhishek Pradhan, A. R. Shabaraya, Niveditha T V, Chinju Jose, Ambika V “Risk Factors for Developing Drug Related Problems in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021 E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 295
    Shwetha N, Abhishek Pradhan, Ambika V, Chinju Jose, Niveditha T V “Prevalence of Drug Related Problems in Patients with Chronic Diseases - A Community Based Study in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 296
    Abhishek Pradhan, Ambika V, A R Shabaraya, Chinju Jose, Niveditha TV, Shwetha N “Drug Related Problems in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Brief Review” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021 , E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 297
    Ugvekar N, Kamath K.K, Subramanyam E.V.S., Shabaraya A.R. “A Review on Change Management System in Pharmaceutical Industry”. Int J Drug Reg Affairs 2021; 9(3):37-41. e-ISSN: 2321-6794.
  • 298
    Vineetha K, Vindhya V.S, Vishranth M.B, Yashasvi, Shyam Surender Sain, A.R.Shabaraya “Herbal Shampoo: benefits, preparation and evaluation”. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, 2021; 17(9): 646-660, ISSN: 1673-064X.
  • 299
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Shabaraya A R, Neeshma Shetty, Aishwarya S., Anusha, Apeksha S., Charishma K. “Development of Herbal toothpaste containing Mango leaves extract”. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 10(13):1973-1982. ISSN 2277– 7105.
  • 300
    Edwin Dias and Shwetha N “Recent approaches in the management of difficult to treat Asthma in Pediatric Population -A Brief Review” Acta Scientific paediatrics 2021, 4(6): 24-35, ISSN-2581-883X.
  • 301
    Bhavyashree T, Shefali Bhute, Shreya H Alva, Shubhashree A S, Spoorthi C, Sushmitha Rai, A.R.Shabaraya “Emulgel: An effective approach for the topical drug delivery” Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition, 2021; 17(10): 593-603, ISSN: 1673-064X.
  • 302
    Anuradha Shenvi, Krishnananda Kamath K, E.V.S. Subrahmanyam, A R Shabaraya “Significance of Personnel Hygiene Practices in Pharmaceutical Industry’ International Journal of Drug Regulatory Affairs. 2021; 9(4): 1-5, e-ISSN: 2321-6794.
  • 303
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Mithun Kumar, A.R. Shabharaya “Herbal Remedies for the Treatment of Periodontitis-A Review” International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Research. 2021;22(4), ISSN:2349-7203.
  • 304
    Ramakrishna S, Gopikrishna U.V. Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Face Pack. Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research (JETIR). 2021; 8(12): 179-186, ISSN:2349-5162.
  • 305
    Bhavyashree T, Shreya H. Alva, Shubhashree A. S., Spoorthi C., Sushmitha Rai, Shefali Bhute and A. R. Shabaraya. Formulation and evaluation of Herbal emulgel for treatment of fungal Infections. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2022; 11(2): 1657-1665, ISSN 2277 -7105.
  • 306
    Vineetha K, Vindhya V.S, Vishranth M.B, Yashasvi, Shyam Surender Sain, A.R.Shabaraya Formulation and Evaluation of polyherbal shampoo. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022; 11(2): 1328-1336, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 307
    Karunakar Hegde, Abhishek N, Gopi Krishnan R and Pratheeksha “Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Roots of Pterocarpus Marsupium” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 11 (6), 2022, 1484-98, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 308
    Kumara Prasad S A, Chethan S.H, Shabaraya A.R, “Design characterization and antimicrobial activity of some novel substituted 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol.11(4), 2022, 1760-68, ISSN 2277-7105
  • 309
    Kumara Prasad S A, Chethan S.H, Shabaraya A.R, “Design characterization of Novel 1, 5-Benzothiazepines by heteroaryl cyclization and biological screening for antimicrobial activity” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol.11(4), 2022, 2021-30, ISSN-2278-4357.
  • 310
    Karunakar Hegde, Mayble Mary Lyngkhoi and Jayalaxmi Gowda “Evaluation of Anti-depressant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Artocarpus Heterophyllus Seeds In Mice”., World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.(11) 6, 1513-23, 2022, ISSN:2278 -4357.
  • 311
    Muhammed Shahins C. P. and Karunakar Hegde, A Brief Review on Solanum Xanthocarpum (Kantakari), World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol.(11)6, 461-466, 2022, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 312
    Karunakar Hegde, Sharadhi M and Bindiya, “Evaluation of Cognitive Enhancement Potential of Hylocereus Undatus Against Memory Impairment in Mice”, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.11(6), 1350-1364, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 313
    Karunakar Hegde, Vidyashree B. and Prathiksha, “An Investigation on Anti-urolithiatic Activity of Typha Elephantina in Experimental Rats” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 11 ( 6), 1524-1538, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 314
    Sachinkumar B, Viresh KC, Shabaraya A R “Formulation and Evaluation of mouth dissolving tablet of solid dispersion by sublimation technique”. Int. J. Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2021; 3(1): 19-25 ISSN: 2319 - 9563.
  • 315
    Akshay Kumar A, Shabaraya A R and Deekshitha “Formulation and Characterization of Gastroretentive in Situ Gel Drug Delivery Pattern of Ibuprofen”. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences 10(1), 2021, ISSN: 2319 – 9563.
  • 316
    Sandhrima Sudhakaran, Ateendra Jha, A.R.Shabaraya “A Review on Nonpharmacological treatment of diabetic mellitus: Myth V/S Reality” International Journal of Research and Review 2021; 8(7). ISSN- 2454-2237.
  • 317
    Satish S, Ansu Thomas, S Siva, A. R Shabaraya. “A Study to Identify and Assess Drug-Drug Interactions among Geriatric Patients-A Community Based Study”. International Journal of Research and Review.2021;8(2):513-519, P-ISSN:2454-2237.
  • 318
    Satish S, Harshita J, A. R Shabaraya “Interventions to Enhance Medication Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review”. International Journal of Research and Review.2021;8(2):454-459, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 319
    Satish S, Manju Jose, A R Shabaraya “A Community Based Study to Identify the Reasons for Non-Adherence in Hypertensive Patients”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8( 2):37-41, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 320
    Satish S, Manju Jose, A R Shabaraya “Adherence to Antihypertensive Medications and Its Determinants in Hypertensive Patients - A Complete Review”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8( 2):42-48, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 321
    Satish S, Minnu Sara Sam, A R Shabaraya “Assessing the Role of Knowledge, Awareness, Practice in Achieving Medication Adherence among Hypertensive Patients”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8(5):324-29. P-ISSN-2454-2237.
  • 322
    Satish S, Minnu Sara Sam, A R Shabaraya “A Review on Prevalence of Medication Adherence among Hypertensive Patients in India. International Journal of Research and Review 2021; 8(7):30-35, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 323
    Satish S, Agnes Jain Rose “ECHOs of Medication Non-Adherence in Hypertensive Patients: A Systematic Review”. International Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8(7):446-52.P- ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 324
    Satish S, Agnes Jain Rose, A R Shabaraya “A Study to Assess the Impact of Comorbidities and Polypharmacy in Non-Adherence to Antihypertensives”. International Journal of Research and Review .2021;8 (2):222-27, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 325
    Satish S, Likhitha G , A R Shabaraya “Evaluation of Quality of Life in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patients using Diabetes Scale of Quality of Life (DSQOL) in Tertiary care teaching hospital”. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications. 2021; 6(4): 1492-1499, ISSN:2249-7781.
  • 326
    Abhishek Pradhan, Arya P P, A.R.Shabaraya “Prevalence of Different Brands and SMBG Frequency of Glucometer in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 2021; 11( 9); ISSN: 2249-9571 284-288.
  • 327
    Abhishek Pradhan, Febin Benny, A.R Shabaraya “Identification of Different Class of Drugs causing Medication Related Problems in the Elderly Patients of Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review 2021; Vol.8; Issue: 8; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 328
    Abhishek Pradhan, Fathimath Kamila Thasneem, A R Shabaraya “Prevalence of Diseases in Elderly Patients with Medication Related Problems” International Journal of Research and Review, 2021; Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021.
  • 329
    Ambika V, Abhishek Pradhan, A R Shabaraya, Chinju Jose, Niveditha TV, Shwetha N “Identification of Drugs That Commonly Cause Drug Related Problems in Patients with Chronic Diseases - A Community Based Study in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021, P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 330
    Shwetha N, Abhishek Pradhan, A. R. Shabaraya, Niveditha T V, Chinju Jose, Ambika V “Risk Factors for Developing Drug Related Problems in Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021 E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 331
    Shwetha N, Abhishek Pradhan, Ambika V, Chinju Jose, Niveditha T V “Prevalence of Drug Related Problems in Patients with Chronic Diseases - A Community Based Study in Dakshina Kannada” International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 332
    Anasuya P, Keerthi, Mahammad Ashik Ali B., Mahammad Hashim, Mohammed Nabeel, Mohammed Sanaz and A.R. Shabaraya. A study to assess knowledge, attitude, practices on Hypertension among hypertensive patients. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 2021; 10(14): 1466-1476. ISSN:2277-7105.
  • 333
    U. Srinivasa, Krathi P. Anchan, S. Ragendhu, S. P. Vidyashree, Zohara Hanien, Anusha Salian and A. R. Shabaraya. Preliminary phytochemical screening and Anthelmintic activity of leaves of Leucas zeylanica. World journal of advance health care research. 2021; 5(6): 240-243. ISSN:2457-0400.
  • 334
    Bhavyashree T, Shreya H. Alva, Shubhashree A. S., Spoorthi C., Sushmitha Rai, Shefali Bhute and A. R. Shabaraya. Formulation And evaluation of Herbal emulgel for treatment of fungal Infections. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2022; 11(2): 1657-1665, ISSN 2277 -7105.
  • 335
    Vineetha K, Vindhya V.S, Vishranth M.B, Yashasvi, Shyam Surender Sain, A.R.Shabaraya. Formulation and Evaluation of polyherbal shampoo. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022; 11(2): 1328-1336, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 336
    Ramakrishna S, Gopikrishna U.V. Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal hair Gel. Scholars International journal of Traditional and complementary Medicine. 2022; 5(2): 28-32, ISSN: 2616-8634.
  • 337
    Ramakrishna S, Gopikrishna U.V. Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Face Pack. Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research (JETIR). 2021; 8(12): 179-186, ISSN:2349-5162.
  • 338
    Karunakar Hegde, Abhishek N, Gopi Krishnan R, Pratheeksha “Evaluation of Antidiabetic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Roots of Pterocarpus Marsupium” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 11 (6); 2022,1484-98, ISSN: 2278-4357.
  • 339
    Gopikrishnan R, Satish S “A Review on Pharmacological Activities of Starch in Curcuma Angustifolia Roxb (East Indian Arrowroot), International Journal of Research and Review, Vol. 9 (5); 2022, ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 340
    Kumara Prasad S A, Chethan S.H, Shabaraya A.R, “Design characterization and antimicrobial activity of some novel substituted 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives” World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.11(4); 2022,1760-68, ISSN: 2277-7105.
  • 341
    Kumara Prasad S A, Chethan S.H, Shabaraya A.R, “Design characterization of Novel 1, 5-Benzothiazepines by heteroaryl cyclization and biological screening for antimicrobial activity” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.11(4); 2022, 2021-30, ISSN:2278-4357.
  • 342
    Naveen K L, Grinton Josvi Veigas, Ananya Bhattacharjee, Karunakar Hegde, “Nephroprotective properties of natural herbs: A Systemic Review” Asian Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 12(1); 2022, ISSN:2231-5659.
  • 343
    Pratheeksha, Karunakar Hegde, “A brief Review on Botanical description, medicinal uses and Pharmacological actions of Lablab purpureus”, International Journal of Research and Review, Vol.9(4), 2022, ISSN:2349-9788.
  • 344
    Sangeeth C.K, Krishnananda Kamath K, Shabaraya A.R, “Cubosomes in ophthalmic drug delivery-A Review”, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.9(6); 180-85, 2022, ISSN:2349-8870.
  • 345
    Ayesha Nazeer, Ashoka Shenoy M., Karunakar Hegde, A. R. Shabaraya “Citrus maxima: A Brief Review on the World's Largest Citrus Fruit”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 74(1), 2022; 91-95 , ISSN: 0976- 044X .
  • 346
    Jayalaxmi Gowda, Karunakar Hegde “A Brief Review on Pharmacological Potential of Tamarindus indica”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research , Vol. 74(1); 2022, 146-49, ISSN: 0976- 044X .
  • 347
    Karunakar Hegde, Mayble Mary Lyngkhoi, Jayalaxmi Gowda “Evaluation of Anti-depressant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Artocarpus Heterophyllus Seeds In Mice”., World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.(11) 6; 1513-23, 2022, ISSN:2278 -4357.
  • 348
    Prathiksha, Karunakar Hegde, “A Review on Vitis vinifera L.: The Grape” International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research , 74(1);142-45, 2022, ISSN: 0976- 044X.
  • 349
    Muhammed Shahins C. P., Karunakar Hegde, A Brief Review on Solanum Xanthocarpum (Kantakari), World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol.(11)6; 461-66, 2022, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 350
    Karunakar Hegde, Sharadhi M, Bindiya, “Evaluation of Cognitive Enhancement Potential of Hylocereus Undatus Against Memory Impairment in Mice”, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol.11(6); 1350-64, 2022, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 351
    Karunakar Hegde, Shifa Gouse Sheikh, Muhammed Shahins C P, “ An Investigation of Nephroprotective Activity of Abrus precatoriusLeaves in Experimental Rats”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research , 74(1); 2022; 114-21, ISSN: 0976- 044X.
  • 352
    Karunakar Hegde, Shilpa Shetty, Pratheeksha, “An Investigation on Anti-urolithiatic Activity of Apple Cider Vinegarin Experimental Rats”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 74(1); 33-40, ISSN :0976- 044X.
  • 353
    Karunakar Hegde, Vidyashree B. Prathiksha, “An Investigation on Anti-urolithiatic Activity of Typha Elephantina in Experimental Rats” World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 11 ( 6); 2022; 1524-38, ISSN: 2278- 4357.
  • 354
    Karunakar Hegde, Vijetha Poojary K., Munawar Muneer K. V., “Antiobesity Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Spondias Pinnata Fruits in Rats, European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences”, Vol. 9(6); 2022, 324-31, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 355
    Viresh K. Chandur, Kirthi P. Anchan & Ramkrishna Shabaraya A. “Influence Of the Component Excipient on Functionality of Nimodipine Transdermal Patches”. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences., 2022; Vol. 11(7): 1984-1994, ISSN : 2278- 4357.
  • 356
    Pooja R, A.R.Shabaraya & Mahananda R P, Proniosomes an effective carrier for drug delivery: A Review” International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research, 2022; Vol.24 (4): 23-34, ISSN: 2349-7203.
  • 357
    Baby Lynthong, Bhavya Shree T, Krishnananda Kamath K, Shabaraya A.R, “Oro-Dispersible Film: An Effective Approach for the Quick Drug Release” Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 2022; 75(2): 180-185, ISSN: 0976 - 044X.
  • 358
    Nandish Kumar P D, K Vineetha, Krishnananda Kamath K, A.R.Shabaraya, “Nanosponges: A Versatile Novel Drug Delivery System”. Int. J.Pharm.Sci.Rev.Res, 2022; 76(1): 151-156, ISSN : 0976-044X.
  • 359
    Satish S., Fathimathul Arifa, Haritha Praveen, Khatheeja Ramseena, Mashitha, Nihala Afrath and Shabaraya A.R. A Hospital Based Case-control Study on Modifiable Risk Factors of Hypertension at Mangalore, Karnataka. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research. 2022; 9(12): 294-99, ISSN 2394-3211.
  • 360
    Gopika S., Viresh K. C. and Shabaraya A. R. A Review on Nanosponge as a Potential Nanocarrier for Emerging Drug Delivery. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. 2022; 9(9): 83-91. ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 361
    Thrishna T. K., Viresh K. Chandur and Ramakrishna Shabaraya A., Nanosponges: A Novel Strategic Approach for Drug Delivery. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. 2022; 9 (8), 603-10, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 362
    Pranav D., Viresh K. C, Shabaraya A. R., Cubosomes: A Potential Nanocarrier For Drug Delivery. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. 2022; 9(9), 92-99, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 363
    Viresh K Chandur and Ramakrishna Shabaraya, A. Optimization of Lycopene Phytosomes for its Enhanced Therapeutic Applications. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. 2022; 13 (75): 50937-44, ISSN: 0976 – 0997.
  • 364
    Viresh K. Chandur and Ramkrishna Shabaraya A., Formulation and Characterization of Topical Lycopene Phytosomes for Improved Permeation. European journal of pharmaceutical and medical research. 2022; 9 (12): 352-57, ISSN: 2394-3211.
  • 365
    Viresh K. Chandur, Paul George and A. R. Shabaraya, Solubility Enhancement of Risperidone by Cocrystallisation Technique. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical sciences. 2022; 9, (12): ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 366
    Ayesha Nazeer, Ashoka Shenoy M, Evaluation of Anti-Epileptic Activity of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Citrus Maxima Fruit Peel in Experimental Mice. International Journal of Scientific Development and Research. 2022; 7(2): 881-88, ISSN: 2455-2631.
  • 367
    Josna Priya Lewis, Kavya, Krupa N, M H Mazin, Mohammed Fayz Shaikh, Ashoka Shenoy M, Shabaraya AR, Antibacterial Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Hyophila Involuta MOSS. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022; 09 (12): 436-44, ISSN 2349-7750.
  • 368
    Shabaraya A R, Noronha N B, Hakmal S A “Study on drug utilization pattern of anti- hypertensive drugs in tertiary health care teaching hospital during COVID 19 pandemic. World J Pharm Res 2022; 11(16),1853-75, ISSN: 2277- 7105.
  • 369
    Ephrem A, Kamila F, Shabaraya A R “Fosfomycin: An assessment of its potential for use in the treatment of MDR- Escherichia Coli in Urinary Tract Infections”. World J Pharm Res 2022; 11(17):690-703, ISSN: 2277- 7105.
  • 370
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Saleema Mariam, Shifnaz N. P, Shabaraya A R “A community based study to evaluate pharmacist intervention in improving medication adherence among patients with hypothyroidism. World J Pharm Res 2022; 11(16):2165-78, ISSN: 2277- 7105.
  • 371
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Shahada Ali, Shabaraya A R “A community based study to assess pharmacist intervention in improving knowledge, attitude and practice among patients with hypothyroidism”. World J Pharm Res 2022; 11(16):2179-92, ISSN: 2277- 7105.
  • 372
    Satish S, Febin Benny, Shabaraya A R “Management of Drug Related problems in the elderly-A review. Int J of Res and Review.2022 Nov; 9(11):371-79.
  • 373
    Viresh K Chandur, Thrishna TK, Ramkrishna Shabaraya A, Comparative characterization of gel loaded ketoprofen nanosponges for topical delivery. Int J Health Sci Res 2023; 13(1): 44-58, ISSN: 2249-9571.
  • 374
    Viresh K C, Gopika S, Shabaraya A R, Comparative Characterization of Gel Loaded Oxiconazole Nitrate Nanosponges for Topical Delivery. Eur J of Pharm and Med Res 2023; 10(1), 364-72, ISSN: 2394-3211.
  • 375
    Vineetha K, Nishanth K, Prathyusha N, Rakshitha K, Roopa S, Sameeksha K, A R Shabaraya, Formulation and Evaluation of herbal lipbalm using natural pigments. Eur J of Biomed and Pharm sci 2023; 10(2): 248-51, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 376
    Bhavyashree T, Baby Lynthong, Krishnananda Kamath K, Shabaraya A R, Formulation and evaluation of oro dispersible films containing diltiazem hydorchloride. Eur J of Biomed and Pharm sci 2023; 10(3):189-93. ISSN: 2349-2870.
  • 377
    Queeny Wilcy Noronha, Thanshifa Fathima, Ramdas Bhat, A R Shabaraya, Current and Emerging Pharmaco-therapies for Zika Virus; A Comprehensive Review. Ind J Pharm Drug Studies. 2023; 4(1): 17-21.
  • 378
    Viresh K Chandur, Ramkrishna Shabaraya A, Characterization of Liquid Oral Containing Lycopene Phytosomes for Improved Absorption. Ind J Pharm Drug Studies 2023; 4(2): 77-81.
  • 379
    Bhavyashree T, Shravya K, Shreya D Shetty, Shreya J Poojari, Shriram H Patkar, Sindhura Pallavi “Formulation and evaluation of film forming gel of pumpkin leaves extract for antibacterial activity” Int. J. Mod. Pharm. Res. 2023; 7(6): 71-74, ISSN: 2319- 5878.
  • 380
    Anusha, Bhavyashree T., Kishnananda Kamath K., Shabaraya A. R. “A Novel Approach of Microemulsion Based Hydrogel for Topical Delivery” Int. J. Mod. Pharm. Res. 2023; 7(6): 98-105, ISSN: 2319-5878.
  • 381
    Sushmitha Rai, Bhavyashree T, Krishnanandh Kamath K., Shabaraya A. R. “Ethosomes: A Novel Vesicular Carrier for Transdermal Drug Delivery” European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci. 2023; 10(6): 232-37, ISSN-2394-3211.
  • 382
    S.K Apeksha, A.R.Shabaraya, Vineetha “Nanoemulgel-A bridge between nanotechnology and dermatological application a review” European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci. 2023; 10 (6), 324-32, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 383
    S.K Apeksha, A.R.Shabaraya, Vineetha “Nanoemulgel-A bridge between nanotechnology and dermatological application a review” European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci. 2023; 10 (6), 324-32, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 384
    Pooja A.J, Vineetha K, Krishnananda Kamath K, Shabaraya A R., “Transferosomal Nasal in Situ Gels: A Review” European J. Biomed. Pharm. Sci. 2023; 10(6), 69-78, ISSN: 2349-8870.
  • 385
    Fmith Celvia Miranda, Snehalatha, Sowmya G. Pai, Stalin Roy Dsouza, Sushmitha, Sushmitha K. Karkera “Formulation and Evaluation of Anti-acne Emulgel Containing Coriander Leaves Extract and Lavender Oil” Int. J. Mod. Pharm. Res. 2023; 7(6), 112-18, ISSN: 2319-5878.
  • 386
    Mahesha Keerikkadu, A. R. Shabaraya, Fmith Celvia Miranda, “Nanosponge approaches for oral dosage form: A Review” Int. J. Mod. Pharm. Res. 2023; 7(6), 23-28, ISSN: 2319-5878.
  • 387
    Ramakrishna Shabaraya A , Viresh K Chandur, “Spectrophotometric Characterization of lycopene Phytosomes from Fruit Peels of Lycopersicum esculentum” Ind. J Pharm. Drug Std. 2023; 4(2), 1-6.
  • 388
    Satish S, Viola Mendonca, A.R. Shabaraya, “A Study to Determine the Acceptance and Challenges of COVID-19 Vaccination among Public in Healthcare Providers Perspective in Mangalore”. Int. J. Res. Rev. 2023; 10 (7): 526-31. ISSN: 2349-9788.
  • 389
    Chetan S H, Deeksha, “Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery and development-A Review” Int.J. Sci.Res.Eng.Mgt., 2023; 7 (3): 1-2. ISSN: 2582-3930.
  • 390
    K. Vineetha, Roma B and A. R. Shabaraya “A Community Based Study to Assess Medication Adherence in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using MMAS-8 Scale in Dakshina Kannada” World J. Pharm & Pharm. Sci. 2023; 12 (10): -ISSN 2278 – 4357.
  • 391
    Shabaraya AR, T Ashwini, Vineetha K “Formulation and Evaluation of gastroretentive in Situ Gelling System of Ketoprofen” Eur.Pharm.J. 2023; 1-10, ISSN 1338-6786 (online).
  • 392
    Kumara Prasad S A, Ravindra Chandrakant Sutar, Deepak Sharma, Uttam Prasad Panigrahy, Nageswar Panda, Sheik Nasar I, Mohd Tanveer Khan, Pravin Naik “Assessment of Production of Biofilm in Urinary Tract Infections in Catheterized Tropical Patients: A Comparative Analysis of Detection Techniques” J. of Propulsion Technology, 2023; 44(3): ISSN: 1001-4055.
  • 393
    Krishnananda Kamath K, Greeshma Ramachandran, A.R. Shabaraya “A Community Based Interventional Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Disposal of Medicines in Dakshina Kannada”. Int. J. of Res. & Rev. 2023; 10 (10):387-92, E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237.
  • 394
    Ramdas Bhat, Preeti Shanbhag, Ramakrishna Shabaraya “A Comprehensive Review of Anti-CD20 Monoclonal Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis”. eIJPPR, 2023; 13 (3): 16-21.
  • 395
    Preeti Shanbhag, Satish S, Ramdas Bhat, A R Shabaraya “A need of the hour: pharmacovigilance in healthcare setting nothing less than safety”. Int. J. Curr. Res. Physiol. Pharmacol. 2023;7(4s3):19-24. eISSN: 2523-6709 pISSN: 2523-6695.
  • 396
    Ramdas Bhat, Varshini, Himasvi, Ramakrishna Shabaraya “Pharmacogenomic Approaches in Alzheimer's Disease: A Comprehensive Review” eIJPPR, 2023; 13(4): 7-13, ISSN (Online) 2249-6084.
  • 397
    Greeshma Ramachandran, Krishnananda Kamath, A R Shabaraya, “Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare: A Review”. Int. Pharm. Sci., 2023; 1 (11): 588-95.
  • 398
    Dr. Krishnananda Kamath K, Dr. A.R. Shabaraya, Dr. Satish S, Anuradha Shenvi K, Aniruddha Banerjee. “Vaccine Development Using Platform Technologies” Pharma Times, 2023; 55 (12): 12-16.
  • 399
    Kamath KK, Vinutha N, Shabaraya AR. Review on-Polyherbal Hair Gel. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention” IJPSI, 2024;13(1):06-11. ISSN (Online): 2319-6718.
  • 400
    Nishmitha D K, Dr. Christy T Chacko “Awareness of Women about the Causes of Urinary Tract Infection and its Complications”. IJRPR, 2024; 5( 2): 1513-20. ISSN: 2582-7421.
  • 401
    Shrijal M Rao, Dr. Christy T Chacko, Systematic Review on Fate of Unused Antibiotics: A Review, IJRPR, 2024; 5(2): 1674-78, ISSN: 2582-7421.
  • 402
    Samiksha Mestha, Dr. Christy T Chacko “Public Perceptions about online Medications by home Delivery Service” IRJMETS, 2024; 6(2): 918-24, e-ISSN: 2582-5208.
  • 403
    Shashidhar, Dr. Christy T Chacko, “Awareness on Vaccination among General Population” IRJMETS, 2024; 6(2):2050-54, e-ISSN: 2582-5208.
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